Many aspects of the Enterprise Public Library are governed by library policies, which are approved by the Library Board of Directors. For a complete list of our policies, please visit the library.
Unattended Child Policy
Children under the age of ten must always be directly accompanied by a parent, guardian, or responsible childcare provider while in the library.
Computer Use
By using the Enterprise Public Library's computers, all users agree to abide by the library's acceptable Internet Use Policy. Failure to follow the guidelines may result in Internet privileges being suspended or revoked and may include possible legal action. Access to the Internet is compatible with the Enterprise Public Library's endorsement of the Library Bill of Rights, the Freedom to Read, and Freedom to View documents.
Acceptable Use Policy for Wireless Access
Acceptable Use Policy for Public Use Computers & Laptops
Patrons under the age of 19 year old must comply with the following guidelines:
- A parent or legal guardian must sign the computer agreement for a minor before accessing a computer
- Parents or guardians, not the library or its staff, are responsible for the information selected or accessed by minors
Materials Selection
The mission of the Enterprise Public Library is to provide open access to information and to promote literacy, love of reading, and lifelong learning opportunities for all members of the community.
Materials Selection Policy
A library card is your all access pass to check out books, audiobooks, DVDs, CDs, children's materials and to use library computers. Library cards are available free of charge to any resident of Coffee County, and to active duty Fort Rucker soldiers and their families. Getting a library card is simple. Present a valid photo identification, proof of residence, and two personal references.
Parents or legal guardians may obtain library cards for children ages 5 through 19 and are responsible for all materials checked out by children.
Replacement cards are available for $5 for adults and $2 for children.
For an annual fee of $10, residents outside of Coffee County may purchase a non-resident membership.
Loan Periods
There is no charge to check out library materials. Most Enterprise Public Library materials circulate for 14 days. DVD's circulate for 7 days.
Most library materials, unless reserved for another patron, may be renewed for an additional loan period. Library patrons may renew materials accessing their online account, by telephone at (334) 347-2636, or in person at the Enterprise Public Library.
Borrowing Limits
Library patrons may have up to 20 borrowed items on their account at any given time. Within this limit, patrons may borrow up to 4 DVDs.
Once a card has amassed $1.00 or more in unpaid fines or fees, the card cannot be used to check out library materials. Once a card has amassed $.01 or more in unpaid fines or fees, the card cannot be used to log on to a computer or access eBooks on Overdrive until fines or fees are paid. Lost or damaged materials charges for cataloged adult and juvenile materials are determined by the unit price of the item, as listed in the catalog. A nonrefundable handling fee of $5 per item will be charged for all lost or replaced items.
Overdue fines: $.10 per item, per day late; DVD's: $1.00 per DVD, per day; Audiobooks: $.50 per audiobook, per day
Lost or damaged items: replacement cost, plus $5 processing fee
Charges for deliberate damage to library materials will be determined by library staff within established guidelines.
Black & White Copies: $0.20 per page
Color copies: $0.40 per page
Fax: First page: $1.00
Fax: Additional pages: $0.50 per page
Scans: First page: $1.00 per page
Scans: Additional pages: $0.50 per page
Guest passes: $1.00 per pass
Earbuds: $1.50 per pack
Returned checks; $30.00 service charge