The City of Enterprise, Alabama
The City of Enterprise, Alabama
The City of Enterprise, Alabama
Home Schools Library
The Aging Network

The Aging Network

In Alabama, the state office is responsible for aging services is the Alabama Department of Senior Services (ADSS).

The Executive director is appointed by the Governor and serves as a member of the Governor's cabinet.

Alabama has 13 Area Agencies on Aging (AAA) with area ranging from one to ten counties and more than 650 throughout the state.

Area Agencies on Aging contract with local providers, to operate Senior Centers and provide other services for seniors in their communites.

The Southern Alabama Regional Council on Aging "SARCOA" is part of the national aging network established under the Older Americans Act to respond to the needs of older adults.  "SARCOA" was formed in 1986 by an agreement of seven southeast Alabama county governments of Barbour, Coffee, Covington, Dale, Geneva, Henry and Houston County.  The service area now includes over 60,000 senior adults who make up nearly 20 percent of the total population of the Wiregrass region.

"SARCOA" supports 38 senior centers in the Wiregrass area.
There are currently 350 senior centers throughout the state.