The City of Enterprise, Alabama
The City of Enterprise, Alabama
The City of Enterprise, Alabama
Home Schools Library
Center Facts/Info

Center Facts/Info

Under the Older Americans Act the following criteria has to be met:

  • Be 60 years of age or older
  • Be the spouse of an eligible person, which means a spouse may
    be under the age of 60 but is accompanied by a spouse that is at
    least 60 years of age

In addition, under the OAA, an Area Agency on Aging may establish
procedures to allow centers to serve a meal to:

  • Individuals who volunteer during meal hours
  • Individuals with disabilities who reside at home with and accompany
    a person who is 60 years of age or older to the center

There are no fees to become a member of the Enterprise Senior Center but donations are greatly appreciated.  Donations are used to accomplish day to day operations within the Senior Center.

Nutrition centers are legally required to provide members with the
opportunity to contribute. Contributions also help nutrition providers
keep up with the cost of food and may permit expansion of services.
It also helps participants feel that the center belongs to them and that
they are partially responsible for the success of the center.

The center is open from 7:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday
and closed on designated holidays.

The Senior Center assigns two days for a member to come and eat at the center but members are welcomed to participate in the activities on any day.

If a member is not able to come on their assigned days, we ask them to
call by no later than 8:15 a.m. to cancel, so someone else can be contacted
to be served that meal.