The City of Enterprise, Alabama
The City of Enterprise, Alabama
The City of Enterprise, Alabama
Home Schools Library
Upgraded Meter Reader
You may have noticed that we are reading your water meter a little differently these days. In the early summer of 2007 the Enterprise Water Works Board approved the use of a Radio Read Water Meter system.

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The Radio Read Water Meter System uses miniature radio transmitters attached to the water meter as the means of providing customer usage information. The system is then able to collect the readings from handheld radio receivers from moving vehicles. The transmitters on the meters are basically dormant until activated by a signal from the collection unit. The meter readers use a handheld device in combination with a micro-processor based computer system to actively poll the meters as the unit is brought within range. The device then records the reading transmitted by the meter and stores the reading. At the end of the data collection cycle, the meter reader unloads the information collected into the billing system for the generation of the bills. The system is also coordinated with a GIS system to allow verification of the meter reading obtained which can avoid return trips. A single employee in a computer-equipped vehicle driving the service area without having to stop at each site and physically read the meter can do the work of many door-to-door meter readers in a fraction of the time.

This meter reading systems is beneficial to our customers. After the implementation of the new system: customers are more satisfied, meter reading is more accurate, billing accuracy is increased, and water usage data is more current. Leaks and water theft can be more quickly identified by the comparison of master system meters with actual metered use. The readily available accurate information allows for analysis of the readings which can help improve distribution system planning and future water needs.